Navigating Privacy Challenges: T-RAG Architecture for Secure LLM Applications



The pervasive integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) spans diverse domains, with a particular emphasis on applications such as question answering over sensitive enterprise documents. In these contexts, the imperatives of data security and robust system performance become increasingly pronounced.

Within this landscape, the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework has emerged as a prominent tool for constructing applications that leverage LLM capabilities. However, the quest for robustness in deploying such systems necessitates a meticulous and tailored approach.

This study unveils the experiential journey of implementing an LLM application designed for question answering within the realm of private organizational documents. The approach employed revolves around a sophisticated system named Tree-RAG (T-RAG), which ingeniously incorporates entity hierarchies to elevate overall performance.

Through comprehensive evaluations, the study illuminates the efficacy of the T-RAG system, offering invaluable insights applicable to real-world LLM applications. The fusion of entity hierarchies proves instrumental in enhancing not only the system's robustness but also its practical utility, addressing the intricate challenges posed by private enterprise documents.

Data Privacy

The paramount consideration of security risks arises from the inherently sensitive nature of the documents in question, rendering the utilization of proprietary Large Language Models (LLMs) via public APIs impractical. The looming threat of data leakage underscores the imperative need for a more secure approach.

To address this, the adoption of open-source models capable of on-premise deployment becomes a judicious choice. This strategic shift not only mitigates the vulnerability associated with public API usage but also affords a higher degree of control over data privacy.

Moreover, the landscape is further complicated by the confluence of limited computational resources and relatively modest training datasets derived from the available documents. The challenge here lies in navigating the intricacies of resource constraints and data paucity, compelling the need for resourceful strategies in model deployment.

In addition to these challenges, the pursuit of reliable and accurate responses to user queries introduces an additional layer of complexity. Meeting this demand necessitates a meticulous and nuanced customization process, intertwining decision-making intricacies to ensure the development of robust applications tailored to the unique demands of environments dealing with sensitive information. As such, the journey towards deploying applications in these environments requires not only technical prowess but a keen understanding of the intricacies of data privacy and security.


One aspect that captivated my interest in this study lies in the ingenuity of the researchers who crafted an application seamlessly combining Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) with a finely tuned open-source Large Language Model (LLM) to generate responses. The finesse of this model is underscored by its training on an instructional dataset meticulously curated from the organization's documents.

What sets this study apart is the introduction of a pioneering evaluation metric, labeled Correct-Verbose, designed with a discerning eye toward assessing the generated responses. This metric diverges from conventional evaluation methods by not only scrutinizing correctness but also incorporating a nuanced evaluation of the responses' richness. It goes beyond the confines of the original question, assessing the inclusion of additional pertinent information, thereby offering a more holistic appraisal of response quality. In doing so, the Correct-Verbose metric introduces a layer of sophistication to the evaluation process, elevating the study's contribution to the broader landscape of language model applications.

T-RAG Workflow

Let's delve into the intricacies of the Tree-RAG (T-RAG) workflow, which unfolds as follows:

Upon receiving a user query, the system initiates a search within the vector database to identify pertinent document chunks. These chunks then assume the role of contextual references, providing the necessary foundation for the Large Language Model (LLM) to engage in context-aware learning.

An additional layer of refinement is introduced when the query explicitly references entities associated with the organization. In such instances, the system dynamically extracts information from the entities tree and seamlessly incorporates it into the evolving context. This augmentation serves to enrich the contextual understanding of the LLM.

The star of the show is the fine-tuned Llama-2 7B model, which, armed with the enhanced contextual information, proceeds to generate a response that is both contextually nuanced and informationally robust. This dynamic interplay between contextual retrieval, entity extraction, and response generation epitomizes the sophistication embedded within the T-RAG system, showcasing its prowess in addressing user queries with a tailored and comprehensive approach.

Entities Tree Integration in T-RAG

A distinctive facet that sets T-RAG apart lies in its strategic integration of an entities tree alongside the vector database, elevating the context retrieval process. The entities tree serves as a reservoir of information encapsulating the intricate details of the organization’s entities and their hierarchical relationships. Each node within this arboreal structure represents an entity, with parent nodes denoting their respective group affiliations.

The utilization of the entities tree in the context retrieval process unfolds through a systematic procedure:

  1. Query Parsing: A dedicated parser module meticulously scans the user query, identifying keywords corresponding to the names of entities within the organization.
  2. Entity Extraction: Once matches are identified, the system extracts comprehensive details about each matched entity from the entities tree.
  3. Statement Synthesis: These extracted details are then artfully transformed into textual statements, presenting information about the entity's attributes and its strategic position within the organizational hierarchy.
  4. Context Construction: Subsequently, this refined information is seamlessly integrated with the document chunks obtained from the vector database. The amalgamation of these elements results in a context that is not only enriched by the contents of the vector database but also embellished with the nuanced details extracted from the entities tree.

This methodical approach empowers the model to access pertinent information about entities and their hierarchical structures within the organization, ensuring a comprehensive and contextually enriched response when users seek information about specific entities. The seamless interplay between the entities tree and the vector database accentuates the sophistication embedded within the T-RAG framewor


Examining the provided image, the process of context generation through retrieval unfolds with the aid of an illustrative example drawn from an organizational chart, elucidating the intricacies of tree search and retrieval.

Beyond the acquisition of contextual documents, the implementation involves the utilization of the spaCy library, augmented by custom rules designed to pinpoint named entities within the organizational framework.

Upon detecting one or more entities within the user's query, the system embarks on a meticulous journey. It extracts pertinent details about the hierarchical positioning of the identified entity from the organizational tree. Subsequently, these details undergo a transformation, evolving into textual statements that elegantly encapsulate the entity's role and standing within the organizational hierarchy. These statements seamlessly merge with the retrieved documents, collectively contributing to the comprehensive context.

Conversely, in scenarios where the user's query omits any explicit mention of entities, the tree search is intelligently omitted. In such instances, the context derives solely from the information gleaned from the retrieved documents. This adaptive approach ensures a streamlined and contextually relevant response, tailoring the process to the specific needs articulated by the user's query. The synthesis of the spaCy library, custom rules, and the organizational tree underscores the multifaceted approach employed in the retrieval process, enriching the overall context generation within the framework.


The allure of this study lies in its adept fusion of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and fine-tuning, strategically navigating the complex landscape of Large Language Models (LLMs). What distinguishes this approach is the astute utilization of an on-premise, open-source model, artfully addressing the nuanced challenges of data privacy, inference latency, token usage costs, and regional accessibility.

One particularly intriguing facet is the incorporation of entities into the narrative, orchestrated seamlessly through the spaCy framework for entity search and context generation. This deliberate integration not only enriches the context by extracting hierarchical information but also showcases a meticulous blend of technology, linguistics, and real-world problem-solving.

This study transcends the realm of mere academic exploration; it stands as a testament to practical insights derived from the trenches of building and deploying an LLM application in a real-world setting. The confluence of RAG, fine-tuning, data privacy considerations, and the nuanced utilization of entities paints a comprehensive picture of the multifaceted journey in developing a robust and contextually sensitive language model application.